Welcome To Zone Play Cardiff – Children’s Play Centre

Zone Play Cardiff ……….. Over 30 Years as a Soft Play Business…..

Unlike many Soft Plays, We do not charge for Adults to enter / attend the Centre.

The Play Centre itself caters for children up to the age of 11, and is located just on the outskirts of Cardiff in Stadium Close. Designed over 2 levels with the lower level housing not only a brand new 0-3 year old Play Frame, with Slide in 2022, but also a fantastic over 4 year old`s Play Frame consisting of Rope Bridges, Football Pitch with “Goalkeeper”, Slides, Punch Bags, and numerous Children`s Exercise Equipment. Each section of the play area is created around safety, which includes the separate toddler section, alongside the more challenging “older brigade” equipment.

On the second floor we have the dedicated Party Room where you can book private sittings for all Birthday, or Special Occasions. This floor also has its own purposely created kitchen to cater for the party foods, and fun. See our list of on site Mascots available for hire on our party add-on page.

Back to the lower level we have the reception desks, with the main kitchen. This section caters for the cafeteria, and the fully seated area, all with great vision of the Play Frames, so you can see your children at all times whilst enjoying some food with a beverage.

Current 4 Star Food Standard`s Rating as of 2023 / 24.

An all new menu now in place, along with ongoing changes to the appearance of the interior. There will also be some great bespoke offers to come so watch this space. Sign up inside with your email address where we will contact you directly as these offers arise !! There will also be a membership scheme with added benefits on reduced entry fees, party bookings, food, and drink purchases for these annual members….

The whole nature of Zone Play Cardiff with its long term, skilled, experienced staff, is based around a warm, friendly, first name term environment, with safety being a paramount part of the visual set up. We base our format around repeat business, having been operating as a soft play centre in this facility for some 30+ years, of which some say the very first play centre to be opened in Wales, whilst encouraging new members to visit and sample the changes taking place.

A Proud Finalist in the 2020, 2021 Children`s Play Awards.

Please visit us and share our vision, and goal, to provide your children with a memorable experience that is second to none.